As society becomes more and more reliant upon technology, it is extremely important that our education system incorporate technology into the curriculum. In order to integrate technology into education effectively and efficiently schools have to acquire expensive equipment, and make it available for student use. Access to technology also presents new distractions within the classroom. Due to these issues it is extremely important that teachers incorporate new classroom rules to provide an effective learning environment when technologies are being used.
Classroom rules should:
Protect the investment that the school district has made in purchasing the equipment.
Ensure that students are using technology for the purpose intended.
Dissuade students from using technology when they should be working on other activities.
Prevent the use of school equipment to access inappropriate content, or as a time waster.
Prevent the use of technological communication for attacks on other students.
The following link provides several lists of good rules that can be used for classrooms integrating technology into their curriculum.
Technology in the classroom provides students with valuable tools for communication and productivity. Access to technologies also gives students valuable experience that they can apply to many aspects of their lives beyond school. While it has become imperative that schools provide these tools and experiences for their students, student access to technology also creates potential distractions, and other issues. Thus, any teacher that integrates technology into their classroom needs to create classroom rules to prevent misuse, distractions, and damage to equipment.
good job with the rules! That way the students know what is expected of them and how to use the internet safely in the classroom. The information also ties in nicely to the digital students information from the text. nicely done :)