
Blog Post Handout - Week #4

Please prepare a 250-400 word blog post on one of the following topics or on a topic of your choice.  Once you have decided your topic please post it to the week 4 blog post to reserve that topic for you to avoid duplicates.  Please make sure to include links to resources you find helpful and try to make your blog post engaging.  Remember that in addition to your own blog post you are asked to comment on at least two other student’s blogs throughout the week your thoughts and reactions.  Please note that the blog is on a public server so anything you post is available to the entire internet!

WEEK 4 – Course Goals Addressed:

5. To understand the concepts and skills outlined in the National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers
6. To identify the responsible, ethical, and legal uses of technology, information, and software resources

Possible Topics:
  • Present an introduction to the National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers. Who is ISTE and why should we listen to them?  Are there other resources on the ISTE website that can be useful?
  • Explore an ethical dilemma of using technology.
  • Another topic of your own choosing addressing one of the course goals above  – please email me to ensure appropriateness.
Content - 10 points
___ 10 points – explained topic, explored connections to course material, included links, met length requirement
___ 8-9 points – explained topic, limited connections, 1 link, met length requirement
___ 5-7 points – topic a bit confusing, no real connections, no links, a bit short or long on content
___ 1-4 points – no explanation, no links, no connections to course material, very brief or much to long
Presentation - 10 points
___ 10 points – Easy to read, integrated graphics, used space effectively
___ 8-9 points  - Easy to read, few graphics, flow might be hard to follow
___ 5-7 points – Presentation a bit confusing, flow confusing, distracts from point of post
___ 1-4 points – Presentation detracts from message, no graphics, no effective use of space

Weekly Paper #4

Please email me your proposal for the final paper or project for this class.  I'd like for you to write a paper or create a project that is meaningful for you depending on your subject area and interest.  By the end of this week we should come to an agreement on a final paper topic or project.

Blog Post Handout - Week #3

Please prepare a 250-400 word blog post on one of the following topics or on a topic of your choice. Once you have decided your topic please post it as a comment to my "Week #3" blog post to avoid duplicates. 

Given that many of you teach in a diverse areas please feel free to choose the fourth option below to tailor your blog post to your specific area of expertise (it is difficult for me to try and write topics that would apply to all curriculum areas).

Please make sure to include links to resources you find helpful and try to make your blog post engaging (add pictures, movies, multimedia, etc). Remember that in addition to your own blog post you are asked to comment on at least two other student’s blogs throughout the week to share your thoughts and reactions. 

Please note that the blog is on a public server so anything you post is available to the entire internet!

WEEK 3 – Course Goals Explored:

3. To develop computer literacy skills necessary to locate, evaluate, and use communication and information resources to support teaching and learning.

Possible Topics:
1. The 21 st Century Information Fluency Project (21CIF) has a tremendous amount of resources regarding how teachers can evaluate online websites. Please pick a resource on the website and explain why you found it useful.  Please make sure to post a comment to the Week 3 Blog post letting everyone know which 21CIF resource you plan on reviewing.    For example, any of the links from this page: would be appropriate.

2. H-NET is a similar site focusing on humanities and has a fantastic listserv and discussion boards to discuss ideas please review the site and identify the resource you think would be most helpful.

3.Barb has a tremendous delicious account with over 500 sites bookmarked for our class:   Please go through and select a site you think is helpful and provide a review.

4. A topic of your own choosing. Please email me to make sure it will be appropriate for this week.

WEEKLY Paper #3

The purpose of the weekly paper is for you, in 1-2 pages, to briefly summarize your impression of the week’s material.  These will be private submissions.  Note that there are no right or wrong answers to any of these questions - the important point is your understanding and impression of the material.  Please submit through Blackboard.

WEEK 3 – Course Objectives Addressed:
d. Plan and design effective learning environments and experiences through the integration of technology resources and technology-based methods into everyday curriculum
e. Select software and instructional media for use in classrooms
f. Develop curricular activities that include computer applications and use hypermedia and multimedia programs.


3 Required Questions:

1. What is Web 2.0? How is different than Web 1.0?

2. How do you think you could effectively setup an integrated learning environment (p. 350) for an assignment
in your future class?

3. Do you think the ASSURE (p. 344) model will be helpful in setting up lessons?

Choose 1 of the following:

4a. Can you envision a Web 3.0? How would that be different than Web 2.0? Would it matter for the classroom?

4b. How would you plan on teaching your students the technological skills they need in order to effectively use the technology in the classroom?

4c. Do you think educational games are an effective way to integrate technology in the curriculum?

Grading Rubric
Concepts – 5 Points each = 20 total
___ 5 points - explained concept, connected it to course material
___ 4  points  - sufficiently explained concept, sufficiently connected it to course material
___ 3 points - somewhat explained concept, connection to course material lacking
___ 1-2 points - missing concept or not connected to course material
___ 0 points – no answer

Paper Requirements - 5 points
___ 5 points - met all paper requirements (appropriate length, grammar, spelling, etc)
___ 1-4 points  - met most paper requirements
___ 0 points - did not meet paper requirements

Week 2 WEEKLY Paper
The purpose of the weekly paper is for you, in 1-2 pages, to briefly summarize your impression of the week’s material.  These will be private submissions.  Note that there are no right or wrong answers to any of these questions - the important point is your understanding and impression of the material.  Please submit through email.

WEEK 2 – Course Objectives Addressed:
a. Describe the fundamentals of computers and educational technology


2 Required Questions:

1. Do you think electronic note taking is more or less effective than paper and pencil?

2. If you were in charge of buying hardware for your classroom with a budget of $50,000 what would you buy ?  Why?  Please itemize each item and provide the price of the items if you can based on your research. For example, if you want to buy 10 iPad 2s for you class each one is $499 per  That means the 10 iPads would cost about $5,000 (10% of the budget). Part of this question is for you to research how much items cost and how much you could really buy with $50,000.

Choose 2 of the following:

3a. Do you think Wikipedia is a credible source for students to cite to in research papers? Why or why not?

3b. Do you think a typing class should be required for all high school students? Why or why not?

3c. What are the advantages or disadvantages of using cloud based software applications (ie, Google Applications)?

Grading Rubric

Concepts – 5 Points each = 20 total
___ 5 points - explained concept, connected it to course material
___ 4  points  - sufficiently explained concept, sufficiently connected it to course material
___ 3 points - somewhat explained concept, connection to course material lacking
___ 1-2 points - missing concept or not connected to course material
___ 0 points – no answer

Paper Requirements - 5 points
___ 5 points - met all paper requirements (appropriate length, grammar, spelling, etc)
___ 1-4 points  - met most paper requirements
___ 0 points - did not meet paper requirements

Please prepare a 250-400 word blog post on one of the following topics or on a topic of your choice.  Once you have decided your topic please post it to the week #2 blog post to reserve that topic for you to avoid duplicates.  Please make sure to include links to resources you find helpful and try to make your blog post engaging.  Remember that in addition to your own blog post you are asked to comment on at least two other student’s blogs throughout the week your thoughts and reactions.  Please note that the blog is on a public server so anything you post is available to the entire internet!

WEEK 2 – Course Goals Explored:
3. To develop computer literacy skills necessary to  locate, evaluate, and use communication and information resources to support teaching and learning
7. To evaluate software applications
  • Choose two competing software applications (Mac v. PC, OpenOffice v. Microsoft Office, Skype v. Tinychat, etc...) and make an argument why one is preferable to the other.
  • Explore how to effectively use search engines to find educational resources.  For example, the use of boolean operators in Google.
  • Showcase ways other teachers have used technology in their classroom.
  • Another topic of your own choosing addressing one of the course goals above  – please email me to ensure appropriateness.
Content - 10 points
___ 10 points – explained topic, explored connections to course material, included links, met length requirement
___ 8-9 points – explained topic, limited connections, 1 link, met length requirement
___ 5-7 points – topic a bit confusing, no real connections, no links, a bit short or long on content
___ 1-4 points – no explanation, no links, no connections to course material, very brief or much to long
Presentation - 10 points
___ 10 points – Easy to read, integrated graphics, used space effectively
___ 8-9 points  - Easy to read, few graphics, flow might be hard to follow
___ 5-7 points – Presentation a bit confusing, flow confusing, distracts from point of post
___ 1-4 points – Presentation detracts from message, no graphics, no effective use of space

Please prepare a 250-400 word blog post on one of the following topics or on a topic of your choice.  Once you have decided your topic please post it to our blackboard site to reserve that topic for you to avoid duplicates.  Please make sure to include links to resources you find helpful and try to make your blog post engaging.  Remember that in addition to your own blog post you are asked to comment on at least two other student’s blogs throughout the week your thoughts and reactions.  Please note that the blog is on a public server so anything you post is available to the entire internet!
For week 1 please also include a brief introduction about yourself and any links to your sites on the internet so we can all get to know each other better.
For example blog posts from previous classes feel free to visit: or

WEEK 1 – Course Goals Explored:
  1. To create effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology
       8. To appreciate the range of technology applications available and what they can do to enhance educational practice and learning
  • What do you think constitutes an effective learning environment? Are there resources which discuss effective learning environments ? How have other schools/teachers integrated technology into their learning environment?
  • Choose any technology application and introduce the rest of the class to that application.  Suggestions: Wikipedia, Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Delicious, Skype, etc..
  • Complete any of the assignments listed under the "In The Lab" section of chapter one (pages 41-43). However, instead of creating the assignment in word please post it to the course blog (ie, create a blog post instead of a flyer). After the digital flyer please provide 250-400 words explaining what was easier or harder creating the blog post  flyer compared to creating one in Microsoft Word.
  • Another topic of your own choosing addressing one of the course goals above  – please email me to ensure appropriateness
Content - 10 points
___ 10 points – explained topic, explored connections to course material, included links, met length requirement
___ 8-9 points – explained topic, limited connections, 1 link, met length requirement
___ 5-7 points – topic a bit confusing, no real connections, no links, a bit short or long on content
___ 1-4 points – no explanation, no links, no connections to course material, very brief or much to long
Presentation - 10 points
___ 10 points – Easy to read, integrated graphics, used space effectively
___ 8-9 points  - Easy to read, few graphics, flow might be hard to follow
___ 5-7 points – Presentation a bit confusing, flow confusing, distracts from point of post
___ 1-4 points – Presentation detracts from message, no graphics, no effective use of space

The purpose of the weekly paper is for you, in 1-2 pages, to briefly summarize your impression of the week’s material.  These will be private submissions.  Note that there are no right or wrong answers to any of these questions - the important point is your understanding and impression of the material. Please submit through email at  Please do not use the blackboard messaging feature.

Due by noon on Saturday, Aug 6th through email: - Please put your name on the top of your word file.

WEEK 1 – Course Objectives Addressed:
b. Articulate why computers are essential components in society, the business world, and K-12 education
c. Use the World Wide Web as a repository of the latest information and as an educational resource and learning tool for K-12 education


3 Required Questions:
1. Why are computers an essential component in K-12 Education?
2. Explain the concept of “Digital Students” (p. 15). How will you connect with Digital Students in the classroom?
3. Why do you think it’s a standard that: “a teacher uses knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom”?
Choose 1 of the following:
4a. What do you think a technology free classroom would look like?
4b. Have you had a teacher that effectively used technology before? How?

Grading Rubric

Concepts – 5 Points each = 20 total
___ 5 points - explained concept, connected it to course material
___ 4  points  - sufficiently explained concept, sufficiently connected it to course material
___ 3 points - somewhat explained concept, connection to course material lacking
___ 1-2 points - missing concept or not connected to course material
___ 0 points – no answer

Paper Requirements - 5 points
___ 5 points - met all paper requirements (appropriate length, grammar, spelling, etc)
___ 1-4 points  - met most paper requirements
___ 0 points - did not meet paper requirements