

Integrating Technology
into the Curriculum

EDUC 506, July 2011
Instructor: Mr. Daniel Cantrell                                                                                          
E-mail:                                                           Office Hours: By appointment
Skype: Daniel.Cantrell.Cune                                                                      on Skype – please email
Class Blog:                
College of Graduate Studies, Concordia University, Nebraska          

This course is designed to provide students with a practical understanding of educational technology, computer use and applications, integration of technology in classroom curriculum, and use of the World Wide Web as an information repository and learning tool.

This hands-on course will provide teachers with opportunities to use and explore existing hardware, software and Internet resources in order to incorporate them into the design process.

Each teacher will be expected to use course information to design an instructional unit that effectively integrates technology as a tool for enhancing the learning environment.

Course Rationale:

Technology encompasses the tools and strategies for critical thinking, problem solving, using information accurately, appropriately, increasing productivity, and enhancing personal growth.
While educators are aware of the high level of technology integration in the classroom, many teachers are unprepared to use technology in their classrooms and do not know where to begin learning how to do so.

"The challenge is not simply to incorporate learning technologies into current institutional approaches, but rather to change our fundamental views about effective teaching and learning and to use technology to do so." (Higher Education in an Era of Digital Competition: Choices and Challenges by Donald E. Hanna and Associates.  Atwood Publishing, 2000, p.61.)

The goal is to help students live, learn and work successfully and responsibly in an increasingly complex, technology-driven society. To accomplish this, it is essential that integrating technology into the curriculum be an integral part of a student’s educational experience.

Course Goals and Objectives:

The goals of this course are:

  1. To create effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology
  2. To understand and use Web 2.0 technologies
  3. To develop computer literacy skills necessary to  locate, evaluate, and use communication and information resources to support teaching and learning
  4. To develop skills in integrating computers in different curriculum areas
  5. To understand the concepts and skills outlined in the National Educational Technology Standards for Teachers
  6. To identify the responsible, ethical, and legal uses of technology, information, and software resources
  7. To evaluate software applications
  8. To appreciate the range of technology applications available and what they can do to enhance educational practice and learning

Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:

a.                  Describe the fundamentals of computers and educational technology
b.                  Articulate why computers are essential components in society, the business world, and K-12 education
c.                   Use the World Wide Web as a repository of the latest information and as an educational resource and learning tool for K-12 education
d.                 Plan and design effective learning environments and experiences through the integration of technology resources and technology-based methods into everyday curriculum
e.                  Select software and instructional media for use in classrooms
f.                    Develop curricular activities that include computer applications and use hypermedia and multimedia programs
g.                  Apply educational strategies to use technology to serve students who have special needs
h.                  Model and teach legal and ethical practice related to technology use
i.                    Create a teacher web presence using current technologies

Commitment to Learning:

By entering this course and accepting this syllabus, students are asked to:

1.      Read assigned material and be prepared to participate in discussions each week in both large and small groups. Students must be able to support positions with relevant research on topics covered

2.      Complete Written assignments

3.      Maintain Del-icio-us account to store and share research information

4.      Maintain a weekly journal to reflect on professional growth and development

5.      Update portfolio with relevant artifacts in the appropriate teaching standards to demonstrate professional growth and development

Required Text:

Shelly, G.B., Cashman, T.J., Gunter, G.A. & Gunter, R.E. (2011). Teachers Discovering Computers: Integrating Technology and Digital Media in the Classroom (6th Edition). Boston: Cengage (ISBN: 9781423911807 or 1423911806).  Supplemental Companion (Online)

Academic Honor Code:

Concordia University recognizes honesty and integrity as necessary to the academic purpose and function of the institution. CUNE, therefore, expects a high standard of individual honor in all academic endeavors from each student. Academic dishonesty includes cheating and plagiarism. Students found guilty of academic dishonesty are subject to disciplinary action.


Any student needing special accommodations due to a physical, mental or learning disability should contact the Coordinator for Student Disability Services at CUNE. It is the responsibility of each student to make an official request to the Coordinator for academic accommodations.

Course Requirements:

1.         Weekly Papers/Reflections: Each week I will post on Blackboard a number of discussion questions – some will be required questions while others will be your choice.  Each student should submit through Blackboard their response.  The purpose of the weekly paper is for you, in 1-2 pages, to briefly summarize your impression of the week’s material.  These will be private submissions.

2.         Blog Posts: I have setup a free blog for our class on  I hope that by using a blog throughout this course you will all become more familiar with how blogs work and can be used as a technology resource for teachers.  For week 1, 2 and 3 you will be responsible for a blog post of between 250-400 words (equivalent to 1-2 pages in word) highlighting one of the 8 course goals outlined above – each week will focus on different goals.  So, each student should add 3 posts over the course of the semester each on a different course goal.  Please see the rubric on the assignment for grading criteria for your blog posts. (Week 4 is covered below with Google+).

3.         Blog Comments: Part of the beauty of Web 2.0 is the interactive nature of the web.  Each student will be asked to comment on at least 2 blog posts by other students each week.  Each comment should be less than 100 words to promote brevity in comments.  So, throughout the 4 weeks, each student will add 8 comments (2 per week) on 8 different blog posts by other students.  Comments will be graded as a credit/no credit assignment.

4.         Google +: Just recently the newest social network was born – Google+!  It may be very likely that Google+ will be a much better platform for teacher-student interaction since the availability of “circles” allows for easier management of information.  During week 4 we will do a Google+ project – more information will be posted.  As I add you to our course blog I will also send you a Google+ invitation if you are not already a member.

5.         Final Project: As a final culminating project you have a choice of either (1) writing a 10 page research paper or (2) creating a technology project.  The project can be a website, wiki, blog, etc... that should directly related to your use of technology in the classroom.  Before starting your final project we will discuss your topic to make sure it is appropriate for the class.  I hope that this will be a project that will allow you to explore a concept or topic that is most relevant and interesting to you.


Point Summary:                                                                     Pts                   Due by noon on:

Blog Post #1                                                                            20                    8/4

Weekly Paper #1                                                                    25                    8/6
Blog Comment #1                                                                  10                    8/6
Blog Comment #2                                                                  10                    8/6

Blog Post #2                                                                            20                    8/11

Weekly Paper #2                                                                    25                    8/13
Blog Comment #3                                                                  10                    8/13
Blog Comment #4                                                                  10                    8/13

Blog Post #3                                                                            20                    8/18

Weekly Paper #3                                                                    25                    8/20
Blog Comment #5                                                                  10                    8/20
Blog Comment #6                                                                  10                    8/20

Google+ Project                                                                      20                    8/25
Weekly Paper #4                                                                    25                    8/27
Blog Comment #7                                                                  10                    8/27
Blog Comment #8                                                                  10                    8/27

Final Paper                                                                             100                  9/3

                                                                      Total Possible -  ___/380 points

The following table indicates the number of points and the percent of total possible points associated with each grade.
                                    Grade              Percent                        Total Points                           
                                    A                     93-100                         (353-380)
                                    A-                    90-92                           (342-352)
                                    B+                    87-89                           (330-341)
                                    B                      83-86                           (315-329)
                                    B-                     80-82                           (304-314)
                                    C+                   77-79                           (292-303)
                                    C                     73-76                           (277-291)
                                    C-                    70-72                           (266-276)
                                    D+                   67-69                           (254-265)
                                    D                     63-66                           (239-253)
                                    D-                    60-62                           (228-238)
                                    F                      0-59                             (0-227)

Note about grading: 

            Any late assignments will be subject to at least a full grade penalty and will be accepted at the discretion of the instructor.  If you are likely to have trouble completing an assignments please contact me ahead of time to make arrangements.

Weekly Schedule:

Each week’s material will become available on Sunday morning.  Assignments are due by noon CST on the day listed in the schedule above.  Please plan on submitting your blog posts as early in the week as possible to allow interaction with other students.

The final paper will need to be submitted to Blackboard no later than noon on Sat – Sept 4, 2010.

Course Schedule and Readings:

Week 1 (July 31 – Aug 6)
Course Readings
  • Chapters 1,2
  • Blog Post #1
  • Blog Comments #1 & #2
  • Weekly Paper #1
Week 2 (Aug 7 – Aug 13)
Course Readings
  • Chapters 3,4
  • Blog Post #2
  • Blog Comments #3 & #4
  • Weekly Paper #2
Week 3 (Aug 14 - 20)
Course Readings
  • Chapters 5,6
  • Blog Post #3
  • Blog Comments #5 & #6
  • Weekly Paper #3
Week 4 (August 21 - 27)
Course Readings
  • Chapters 7,8
  • Google+ Project
  • Blog Comments #7 & #8
  • Weekly Paper #4
Week 5 (Aug 28 – Sep 3)
Course Readings
  • none
  • Final Paper