Join us for a
Fun, Family Fall-Kickoff!

- Where: Rolling Hills Wildlife Adventure Zoo and Museum, Salina! http://www. zoo.html - Who: For our area Home School Families
- Time: We'll meet at the Zoo at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, September 4th
- Lunch: Enjoy the view while eating on the Restaurant's spacious Patio!
- Price: $10 per person
- RSVP: by Friday, August 31st, please
Experience the Museum's 360 degree Virtual 3-D Movie Dome
and the Zoo's 60 rolling acres, home to over 100 animal species,
and we'll Kick-Off our School Year making some great, New Memories!
For more information,
contact Jules at:
Whew! That wasn't so bad~ pretty fun, really :)
Hi Everyone~ I'm a Concordia grad and have enjoyed teaching in the classroom so much, we felt led to teach our children at home since their preschool years. It's been such a blessing!
Preserving legacies with friends both 'old' and new has been great fun over the 15 years I've been with Creative Memories as a Consultant ( - gotta LOVE their Digi-scrapbooking!), and sharing and receiving inspiration with others as an Uppercase Living Demonstrator has been a joy, too (!
I'm looking forward to learning new ideas in technology from you and along side of you!
Jules ~
My Thoughts on Word vs. Blog ~
Ah, I was a Happy Camper after finding Blog does have the "undo" capability; yay!!
I'm sure I haven't learned all the features there are to know in Microsoft Word, but I enjoyed the experience of working in another system. In fact, it taught me something that's been a slight peeve to me in Word. You're typing along and decide you wish to underline a word, and a handy little box pops up close to your cursor, giving you the Bold and Italic options, but where, oh WHERE is that UNDERLINE feature? Going up to the top toolbar works, but why have the handy-little-box if it doesn't have what I need???
A-ha! The "underline" feature in Blog works in MW, too (I just HAD to run to the desk-top to give it a try)!!!
Thanks for including the little video!! One life-peeve crossed off the list :)
Not liking the placement of my 1st picture and wondering if I'd have to upload it again, I was happy to see I could Click and Drag like in Word! Much simpler than doing it over.
When nearly finished with my flyer I noticed my font choice had disappeared, and upon clicking the "settings" tab to hunt for it, freaked myself out thinking I may have lost what I'd started! Ah, it was there like a faithful friend.
Considering I don't spelling the word "spacious" every day, I was grateful Blog has a spell-check assuring me I was right on track.
But the word-count! Oh, I miss that feature found in Microsoft Word! I have Open Office on the laptop and copy-pasted my response in there, but had to count myself :( Anyone know if it's on there, and I've missed it?
(After clicking "preview" I noticed my pretty font colors were gone; all but the line that starts, "Experience the Museums..." Thoughts? Ideas? -Thanks!)
Nice job and great review! the 250-400 word count is just an estimate to give everyone an idea of the length - please do not feel the need to do a word count or anything =) I'll let anyone know if their blog is looking too short. Thanks for taking the dive and going first!