Saturday, September 3, 2011

Class Websites

This is my final project.  I am teaching anatomy and physiology this year.  I found out I was teaching this class two weeks before school starts.  I still don't have enough books for all of my students.  I also have two independent study students this year.  I need to way for the independent study and regular students to have a resource of what we will be going over.  The Google Site page I created will be beneficial for both my students and myself.  The students can go to the site and look at what we will be covering and what assignments they will have for the chapter.  This site will also allow students to be able to put on the site any additonal resource that they find to help in the class.  This allows the independent study students a place to look up what assignments they have for the week and not have to find me and ask me in the middle of my other classes what they are supposed to be doing during the week.  With limited time, I was able to get up to Chapter 5.  When I have all of the teaching resources, I plan on putting all of the lesson powerpoints, images from the book and other resources or assignments as links on the site.  I know this isn't complete but I showed enough progress to see what I can accomplish on this site.

1 comment:

  1. Michael,

    That is a great start, a lot of work! I like the class rules, etc.. Easy to read and follow.
